Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Letters are written and out (mostly) look for one coming to a mailbox near you!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


If there is anything I have learned from the entire process so far, it is certainly how to wait. I'm learning patience, and it can be frustrating, but it's good practice I think.

Right now I'm waiting to get a response to an email I sent the current missionaries in Gabon (although with a little internet stalking I've discovered that they only just arrived there in the beginning of May, so they're probably rather busy). I am also waiting to hear back on some details of the trip from the Global Ventures office. 

I've been working on putting together a letter. I don't like trying to fit it all on a page because I have so much I could say! I will though, and soon.

In other news...I'm cleaning my room. It's strange to be putting things away and thinking about how long a year can be. I'm thrilled to be going to Gabon, but it will be very strange to be away from the people and places that I'm accustomed to!

Prayer Requests
  • Patience - I need it as I'm waiting to find out so much!
  • Courage and Remembrance of God's help - To not flip out about this whole process. I need to remember that God called me and He will go with me. When I consider how much needs to be worked out in the short months ahead it can be frightening and discouraging. Yet, when I remember that I am not in it alone everything seems possible.
  • Funds - I'm going to need a fair amount of money I don't have. I know God called me to Gabon, so I'm calling on him to bring me financial support and I would appreciate your prayers for this as well!
  • To Learn French - I've been working on learning French through this website it is going well so far. I'd love to get a headstart on the language so that it will be less of a barrier. I'd appreciate your prayers for God to help me quickly and accurately pick up the language.
