Our Father
not "Dear fix-it guy"
Who is in Heaven
and who knows exactly what's going on as I try to get ready and when what needs to be done because he has such a better view than I do
Hallowed be your name
It's good to remember who exactly I'm talking too--he's holy and good and ought to be praised and honored, not just barraged with complaints
Your Kingdom come Your will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Because really, that's what I want anyway. I can tell him what to do, or I can ask him to do what he wants. I'd rather he have his way considering he only wants the best for us and he knows how to work that out.
Give us this day our daily bread
Here was the really hard hitter. First I thought "Yeah, so if we think of daily bread as our needs, then I need a-z done first and then..." but then the words "This day" echoed through my head and I stopped long enough to consider the plethora of verses coming to mind that all emphasise the fact that we do not need to worry about tomorrow because we have a father who already takes care of everything when it needs taken care of. I breathed a sigh of relief at the realisation that I did not need to figure out everything before I fell asleep, I could simply turn it over to him and then take each moment at a time.
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
(I prayed this part to, but I don't have much to say about it right now, because what I really needed to learn came before, but this part is good too.)
It was a good lesson that God reinforced this morning while I read James. In 2:14-26 he writes about faith without works being dead; it's a classic section, but it hit home today. Read it. It's all about how your faith has to be lived out in what you do or it's nothing. So I realised that the "do not worry about tomorrow" idea is for me, and not just an ethereal idea, but a real attitude that must be implemented. I have to really not worry, that's the action part to the faith that says "I know God will take care of me and get me where I'm supposed to be." So I'm working on that now and I wanted to share it with you all.
Thanks for your prayers everybody!
Jessi...this post was amazing. I haven't thought about breaking up the Lord's Prayer like that and it's a great idea. Personalizing things always makes them more meaningful. I can't wait to see you in TWO days! ;)
Much love.
What a great way to look at the Lord's Prayer! I have heard it so much that it's out of the ordinary for me to actually stop and think about it. I am praying for you.
I appreciate your comments. meditating on this prayer really puts things into perspective. Bless you!
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