Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prayer Request

Just a quick a request tonight...or this morning here.

I could use some prayers for my health. My body seems to be getting into a troublesome cycle with the fibromyalgia. Starting with caving, I feel hard at one point (I've got a great bruise to prove it). The whole thing was apparently a little taxing, which I expected. But I think the physical stress combined with being so tired as set off a flare.

So now I'm having trouble sleeping, which leaves me exhausted, and when this happens I start to hurt. Today my brain was muddled all day and I'm having a really hard time focusing and thinking.

I'm doing great emotionally, which is good. But I'm in a lot of pain, and my body is exhausted by I'm not sleepy, and when I hurt like this, without feeling sleepy, I can't get rest, and then the cycle of exhaustion and pain just spur each other on. 

Please pray that I get some rest, that I can think, and that I don't get grumpy and frustrated meanwhile. Also, please pray that God keeps reminding me of his love and care for me through this--those can be hard to remember when I'm hurting  and can't think sometimes.

Thanks so much for all your support!



Tiffany said...

I will definitely be praying for you Jess. Your spelunking adventure sounds very exciting;I'm glad you all made it out safely. Miss you lots!

heather said...

I love you and am praying for you!!! Take it easy silly goose.

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Praying for you! (Right now...and later.)

Carolyn0107 said...

I'm sorry you're hurting. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. Check out my blog at:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica:
Praying for you ... had dinner with team last night and they had great things to say about you ... let us know on this end if there is anything we can do ...