Monday, December 29, 2008

Lundi (Monday)

Hi all.

So I decided that I get enough questions like, "so...what do you do throught the week?" that I'm going to show you exactly what I do in a week. So I'm taking lots of pictures this week and then I'll update you on each day about what I do. My normal schedule is a little different this week. But it will be different for a while, because the Thelander's are all leaving for a few weeks (so sad). Now without further ado, here's my monday.

I got up a little late and was moving kinda slow this morning (I haven't been feeling so well lately) So I didn't do paacs stuff this morning as is my usual. Nor did I take a picture this morning of anything.

I went to the thelander's for lunch. Joanna called because they had made lentil stew, and I am associated with lentils. Works for me. I like Lentils. So we had stew they made because they learned about Jacob and Esau and how he sold his birthright for stew and bread. We also had salmon patties though. And I told them how I add raisins to my lentil stew, so we added some to ours and that turned out to be a hit. I didn't get a picture of this because I forgot I was documenting my day.

Then the kids and I went up to the school. We brought up some games and a snack and hunkered down in the office (it's air conditioned...yay! Although, today was a chilly day really. Very cloudy.)

We played letter bingo. I taught them how to play with two boards so now they're all ready for the nursing homes in another 60-70 years. They'll be pros.

Then we played this game called "Peanut butter and Jelly" The goal is to make sandwiches with your cards. The game instructions actually don't clarify exactly how certain situations are supposed to go. But was had a good time. I have a really neat video of playing, but I'm not sure I can get it to load on here. I'll try though. So, it loaded, hopefully it won't take forever to play. It's not that exciting, just our discussion while we play. I think it's cute though. You can see for yourself how excited they get about their cards :-p

The kids were really excited about taking pictures. So I let them take a few. Or a lot, really. They like the camera. I taught them to always put the little strap on their wrist first so that my camera hopefully won't ever go crashing to the floor.

We took some goofy pictures. If they're all slanty, that's because Luke and Sarah think it's cooler to take photos at an angle. Oh well. At least I can tell which ones are theirs!

We had a snack outside. And figured out that it's hard to get everyone in the picture when I'm taking it. We got some, but this one was better, even though 2/3 of my head isn't in it.

After snack we went to the library. Luke took a picture of the exciting act of unlocking the library door.

Then we entered and had more fun taking pictures of looking at books than actually chosing some to read. Which is rare. Normally we leave with about 500 books. But we had some good ones. We read a Frog and Toad story. Those are some of my favorites.

Then it was back to finishing our sandwich game.

A funny moment during this game was when Sarah said she couldn't say the word "ant." This is a game of hers "I can't say that word!" me: "what word?" "that word you said." And I try and get her to accidentally say the word that she said she can't say. So I asked her my name.
Sarah:"Aunt Jessica"
me: "Ha! You can say Ant/aunt!"
They seemed to have never noticed that the two words sound the exact same, and they were amazed. It was really funny.

After the game and reading we made a spider man puzzle Luke brought up. It was a little complicated for them, but they did a good job with only a little help. It looked pretty cool. Luke wanted to make sure his mom saw it, so we took a picture. Here it is in all it's web-slinging glory:Add Image

We walked home after cleaning up and I got an extra french lesson from Joanna while we sat around admiring their new coffee table (from the Thompsons). I learned how to say a car doesn't work: La voiture est en panne. And "step by step": pas a pas. It was good. I'm learning lots I think.

Since then, I came back, ate dinner, worked on paacs (I'm gathering data for a 6 month report that needs finished by January 15. And then I worked on this post. Now it's off for a little reading and bedtime!


1 comment:

Steve and Pam Fox said...

Nice post. It is a joy to see an example of your day to day life. The video with Luke and Sara was a hoot. You seem to have a very nice time with them and they are very expressive and funny. thanks for adding more joy to our day. Blessings on you and sleep well. Love Mom and Dad