Friday, October 3, 2008

Housemates and Photos

Here they are--my housemates:


here's an updated photo, since he came out of his hiding spot tonight:
He's a bit of a recluse sometimes. He lives behind my toilet paper holder. Occasionally he comes out, but I think he's a bit skittish. I know that he is a good spider who eats bugs, so he's going to live as long as I don't feel threatened by him. If he starts to corner me I may have to lash out, simply because I don't like spiders. They scare me. I think I'm being pretty good and tolerant to let one live with me. Joanna said that this kind doesn't bite and it eats bugs though. Sounds like the best kind of spider. 

I took another of Chaucer too, so he doesn't feel left out. Here you can see how he's kinda standing up more...doesn't look so flat too me.

Alright...this is the creepy one. I'm not sure that he's a good spider. I was told the "good" ones are flat and the bad ones are hairy and stand up. Sometimes Chaucer kinda stands up. I'm not sure if he's hairy because I don't really like to get close to him (or Eliot). Chaucer really likes the shower. Which means he must be a little stupid. He almost drowned the other day, he curled up in a little ball just like they do after you kill them. I thought he was dead. I felt sorta bad and wondered if I should've moved him. But I was a little glad too. Which I sorta felt bad about, but at least I hadn't quite intentionally killed him. But, then later he uncurled and walked around again. So he lived. Today he tried to drown in the shower again, but then he crawled on my little squeegee thing (you have to sorta sweep the water towards the drain when your done because the floor isn't sloped towards the drain. And I got him out, so now he's in his new place, but he keeps getting closer to the shower again. It would be ok if he could crawl up 
the tile, but he can't seem too. 

Here is a picture of Bongolo. I think it's a pretty place. All those buildings are the hospital building. I live at the top of this hill (and over a little), but I walk past here on the way to the Thelander's.

Here are some pretty flowers I took pictures of:
individual flower (above)
flowers still on the tree (below)

Flowers in front of a palm tree. These are near my house, they're just outside the pool, and you walk past the pool, turn the corner, and there's where I live.

And saving the best for last--a sunset from outside the Thelander's house Wednesday evening:


Emily J said...

Yay for more pictures!

Ah, but is Eliot a BROWN recluse?
And it sounds like Chaucer is a bit suicidal.

Except for the spiders, that looks like a gorgeous place!

Jessica Holmes said...

umm I hope he's not a brown recluse. He's supposed to be the good one.

It is really beautiful. I'm constantly amazed. I keep reminding myself that I live here, because it feels like I'm walking through a National Geographic magazine sometimes.

heather said...


The spiders would freak me out I think...I would kill them if I were you. Although, I guess if they eat other bugs...