Saturday, December 13, 2008



Although here it night, but, oh well.

I haven't posted in a while, it feels like a year, but basically, it's been busy. I know, lame excuse, but it's been busy and nothing that has hit my blogging fancy occurred during the business.

But, because I want you to know I'm still alive and still doing stuff, I'm going to just catch you up on some of the happenings here.


First--Tim and Amanda Kelly came to visit. They are going to be the STMO (Short Term Mission Office) people for Bongolo. Which means the work groups and teams that come in will be taken care of by the Kellys. It seems like it will help out here a lot, since right now these teams get all their help from people that already have other jobs (like Surgeon, nurse, mom, doctor, etc.).They came for a whirlwind visit to see their future home and meet the people and have an idea of what they're about to jump into. They have 3 kids between 7-13, but they weren't on this visit. It was really neat to meet them. They are coming in March, so please be praying for them! The kids will have some adjusting to do (the switch from US to Jungle is kinda big, but they are excited, so that's good). They also need their house to sell. So Just be praying for God's peace and wisdom for them as they are trying to move forward, raise money and say good-bye to family, friends, and the familiar to come serve God by helping out here in Gabon!


Tim and Meredith Brokopp drove the Kellys down to Bongolo and helped them out with planning and such while down here since they are the STMO people in Libreville. This meant I got a chance to chat with them about how things are going down here (great) and what I'll be doing the rest of my time. I came down here for a month or two with plans to rediscuss. I think this was incase it didn't work so well then I could go back to Libreville. But I really love my jobs down here and I'm enjoying it a lot. So we decided I should stay down here, so it looks like I'll be down here most of the rest of my time in Gabon. I'm excited about this, because I really love (almost) everything about being here (and the things I don't love I can definitely deal with. And what would the jungle be without various nasty, creepy, crawling things?) Oh! And, Lisa Nicky (She's the nurse whose house I'm living in) is going to let me continue living here with her when she gets back in January. So that's really very exciting! (It is always good to not be homeless--of course, I don't think that was really going to be the case)


My Computer died. Or a part of it, I think (and hope and pray) that the memory and all that is fine, but it can't charge. So, maybe pray that it starts working again or Keir can fix it or maybe that my old one gets pregnant and has a new one. Something. Till then, I really can't complain because I have a borrowed laptop. It's not quite as fantastic as my old mac, and I am re-learning windows, but it does what I need it too(most of the time).


Paul and Meladee Davis just moved here from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Paul will be the new matinance guy, and from what I've heard, we need him. So, since there are a lot of stuff that need fixed, please pray that Paul has wisdom and insight into the problems and that he can fix them. Also please pray for the transition. They just left their family and friends back in the US right before Christmas! I think they could probably use some prayers for extra joy, new good friends, and lots of endurance to help them through this move. But I know everyone here is so glad that they have decided to follow God's call out here to serve in this very important job of keeping the hospital and station working!

Blessings all around

So, it's not quite Christmas yet, but I'll get sappy for you all now anyway. Christmas time is when God gave us Christ and a key part of his gift of salvation, so now we celebrate Christmas with gifts to remember all that God has given us. I have been amazed by how many early-Christmas presents God has been giving me this season already. He's been giving me patience and hope and faith that I never thought I'd have. The easiset example for me to throw out is with the computer. It's broken, and when it broke, I didn't melt down or freak out or cry like the other two times this has happened. Instead I was able to take it in stride, and then almost right away I had another computer to use. I am so happy to be able to look back at the beginning of my trip here and remember who I was, and to see now all that I have learned. It's incredible. Still, it's going to be hard to be here the next few weeks and not home like I'm used to. I've never been away from my family for my birthday or Christmas, so I'd appreciate your prayers. But, even though I imagine that will be rough, God has really blessed me with great friends here, so even though I won't be with my blood family at home I will be celebrating with my family in Christ here in Bongolo. It's enough for me. My life right now constantly makes me remember God's statement to Paul "My Grace is sufficient for you." And wow is it ever! He really watches out for us, and I keep finding myself noticing something that I maybe don't like and then realising How it really isn't so bad because of what God has provided (even if it's not quite how I would fix the problem) and say to myself: I really can't complain. Because he's already given me everything I need and more.

(Also, I finally won Setlers of Catan tonight, and that was pretty nifty, although I still like losing more. But Joanna thought I should put this on here :-D)


Marcella said...

Yay for winning settlers! :)

Steve and Pam Fox said...

I'm so glad to hear how God is working in your life and that you are experiencing his grace as sufficient. We delight in you and are praying for you. We would rather see you this holiday, but God's plans are greater and we submit to his wisdom and grace. Congrats on winning Settlers of Catan. It is a fun game to play. We have really enjoyed it and look forward to maybe playing again later tonight. We (your Mom, Phillip, Marcella and Kristi and I) are praying for you and wish you a Happy Birthday. God Bless you. Dad