Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Life has been fantastic here. For Christmas morning I got up a little late...I was up too late finishing presents for Luke and Sarah the night before, and I set my alarm and forgot to turn it on. Oh well. I was still up in plenty of time to go over to the Thelander's for breakfast (I brought cinnamon rolls and they made eggs and BACON!). Then we all opened presents (they had opened some before I came. Everyone was super generous and gave me presents too. I got some food that I'm really excited about and note cards and a nifty bamboo vase and a planner (I must look unorganized. ) It was fun to get to open presents on Christmas, I didn't expect that.

Nor did I expect to get a birthday present from my fabulous family, who sent me a cute little computer for my brithday. It even has an adorable pink case. And now I have a place to keep my pictures and things again. Also, my old computer is back among the living. Well, sorta. It just needs a new cord (which, if anyone has an old powerbook cord --kind with the plug, not the magnet--that's 65 watts, and you don't need it anymore, let me know.) So, that was pretty amazing. The only thing that could have made Christmas any better would have been to have my family out here too.
After presents we headed up to the Thompsons. Everyone got together there for a carry-in lunch and games and then dinner. It was a blast. First, Becki's house looked like a winter wonderland, and it was great how it felt like Christmas despite the hot weather!
After lunch and a few games of mexican golf and then mexican train (I don't know why we only play games with mexican in the name, I think we need settlers of Mexico instead of catan, since it's really out of the loop) everyone started taking pictures of everyone. For the above photo Joanna started jumping arond shaking bells and making crazy noises. It got the kids lauging (and Rebecca looking) for some good pictures. That turned into a Christmas sing-a-long. which turned into a dance-around-the-table-singing-and hamming-it-it-up-a-long. It was pretty fabulous. And just when I thought I had been transported back to college, we all started linedancing. It wasn't quite highschool musical. Since no one here is in highschool...and we didn't sing while dancing, and the dancing was a little chaotic. But, Meladee was a line dance teacher and so we learned to line dance to such christmas classics as "Grandma was run over by a reindeer"

By the end of the time I was exhausted, and everyone was sweaty (except for the few who decided to pretend that this christmas chaos was not happening and just play cards).

Then I came back and skyped my family. My new computer has a little webcam, and I saw my family for the first time since August. It was amazing. I was so happy. :-)

So, I'm happy to report that even though Christmas away from family is hard, if you just adopt new families, it can still be fabulous. I'm so thankful for how God has given me everything and more that I need, and really could even want since coming here. I have great friends, I get to help out with important work, and I'm having a great time.

Also--I had a tarantula the other night. I really have to post a picture of him. Now, I know I'm a little off the deep-end when I find myself armed with a shoe and a camera to dispatch the intruder. So I snapped some pictures and then killed him. It sorta bothered me though. So I dreamed about him all night. And got up at 4:30 to stop the dreams. Bleh. I really, really, seriously dislike spiders with an intensity that cannot be described. But I'm getting more used to them, the dislike is still there, but the fear is ever less and less. Which is good. Because, They're all over.

Now to cleanse your retina, here's a pretty picture. It's a butterfly. After going to the river today I came back and found a butterfly on the bush by my door. And he posed for some pictures.
Cute isn't he? (or she, as Sarah would point out).

Alrighty, well that's it from chez moi today. Feel free to email or message anytime!



Angy said...

YOU SAID "CARRY-IN"!!!! Do you always say carry-in instead of "potluck," because I've always said carry-in, but Hillsdale people had a hard time coping with that.
Please respond, this is a crucial matter.

Merry Christmas! (Only a little late...)

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Ohhh my goodness. *Shudder* Thank you for showing us the tarantula (and also the retina-cleansing butterfly).

I'm glad you had such a good Christmas!

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Woah - Angy! We were writing comments at the exact same time. Your comment wasn't there before I posted.

NONONONONO! It is a potluck!

Jessica Holmes said...

Ok...I view it as a pot luck when people bring whatever they feel like. just luck out (or not) with whatever people bring in their pots. I think it works.

But, this was organized, so, it's not random and therefore not a potluck.I think carry-in could probably be either way though. Since it just implies everyone is bringing food. I don't think I'd really quibble with either use.

You mean people at Hillsdale wouldn't give up their traditional name for carry-ins? I'm shocked :-p

Angy said...

Well, for me, "carry-in" IS the traditional name.

Thanks for the clarification!

Steve and Pam Fox said...

Wow, what an enjoyable blog! You amuse me so very much. I laughed out loud again and again as I read it. I love you dearly and rejoice in the person God has developed you to be. You are great. Such a joy to intersect with you. Have a great Sunday. I'll be praying for you. We really miss you. Kristi should be arriving to your time zone any time.