Saturday, January 17, 2009

quick update

Hi there.

I feel like it's been a long time. I have been rather busy lately, my apologies.

Since last time:

  • The Thelander's have left
  • Lisa, my new (and fantastic) housemate is here!
  • I have switched over to the little bedroom in the house (I like it, it reminds me of my dorm in olds except significantly smaller and no desk, but maybe the resemblance is in the sheets since they are the same..)
Since This morning:

  • I have gone to Lebamba via taxi
    I went with Lisa, it was fun. In the front on the way there was a guy with a big basket eating boiled peanuts (which are incredibly good and rather addictive, by the way) and another lady in the back with us
  • I learned how to greet someone in Yinzabie, but I've forgotten now, I'll ask again tomorrow.
  • I got a mild sunburn while swimming in the pool (yup, we have a pool, you should see the things you can find in it. Enormous bugs and such. Yesterday I found the head part of a shed snake skin.
  • I showed to girls from here pictures on my family and dogs on my computer and explained stuff in French!
  • I went to May-Therese's restaurant with Lisa and the work team that's here--that had a lot of good laughs
  • I saw a man cutting up a monkey for the restaurant (to envision the restaurant, imagine someone cooking in their kitchen and serving the food in a large emptyish living room). Many people took pictures of this event, The little old man was really friendly abut it all. He kept proclaiming various english phrases such as, "Thank you! Good Night! Good Afternoon! Please! Thank you! Very Much! Very Much!" As loudly as he could while holding up the dismembered monkey head and tail for photos. It was really funny.
Sorry about the bullet points, but I figure it's easier to read and I've got to go to sleep. I had exhausting myself so I'd sleep well tonight as a goal, and so far I'm exhausted, so it must be working!


Anna said...

If I ever go to Africa, remind me to never eat at a restaurant.

Steve and Pam Fox said...

Wow, what a potpourri of cool things to hear about. I'm glad you got to go out to eat with friends and share a taxi with your roomie and some locals. It all sounds very interesting. Sorry about taking so long to respond.