Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

So, this was a bad week to pick to show you what I normally do.

I've not been feeling very well the yesterday or today. I think it most be the fibromyalgia flaring up. So, I've just be utterly exhausted and really in a lot of pain.

Yesterday I was going to watch Rebecca, but I was too tired and sore. Today I was going to do school with the kids, but I thought I was sick because I was really nauseated. But after taking some tylenol that eased up, till it wore off, then I was nauseated again till I took more. I think the pain is just bad enough it's making me nauseous and I'm not getting anything. So that's good, and bad.

Yesterday I did some more PAACS work and had my french lesson in the morning. That went pretty well. I'm enjoying learning more a lot. I'm finally starting to understand a lot more (as long as I'm not tired...then I have no comprehension)

I also made hot chocolate yesterday. This is my kettle.

It was some good hot chocolate. Until I got really missionary and decided to fill it up with hot water again to use the last little bits of chocolaty sludge. Then it was nasty. It didn't mix right because the water was it was sorta gritty slightly chocolate flavored lukewarm water. That was a bad idea.

Anyway, I did work on my bible study for Praxis a lot today. I'm doing a topical study of holiness. It's actually really fascinating. There are also a lot of verses on holiness. I'm still in Leviticus. But that's ok, because it's interesting. I've been reading through the Bible from start to finish again this year. I just started again in July or August. So I've read what I'm slowly picking verses on holiness out of not long ago. It's really neat to have the big picture, and now to be putting together a smaller picture out of that. Also, keeping in mind the NT (which I will eventually get to) it makes all the verses about God's holiness and treating him and holy things appropriately all seem so much more meaningful. It's hard to explain since I'm not done yet and haven't been able to sort out what I'm thinking and make sure it matches up with what scripture says, but it's cool. I'll explain when I finish if everything still makes since. I am amazed at what serious issue it was (is, I think...) to not take God's holiness seriously. Which makes since, it would be like treating a king or president like a nobody. They deserve respect because of their position. God deserves respect because he is God. That's just how it is. Of course, he's a good God too, so it's not quite the same, where you can have an awful king or president and still have to honor him.

This afternoon I went over to Margariet and Huub's to say hi and take them their Christmas present (I'm a little behind on delivery...) and to get my clothes they picked up from the tailor. It was a nice visit.

My clothes are really cute. (I think)

I wanted to show someone my new outfit after trying it on, so I went to show Karen (and return sheet's she was letting me borrow). She invited me over for dinner tonight with her and Carolyn and then Amy Gessford, who came in tonight. She's a 4th year medical student doing a rotation here.

So I came back, made some pineapple and mango salsa for the New Years Eve party tonight and then went over for dinner.

Amy got in late because they had to wait for a bridge to be rebuilt. The bridges here are frequently made of logs laid across the river/crevice, then planks are laid on top of those crosswise, and more planks are laid parallel to the logs to make a flat driving surface. She said it was pretty chaotic. And at one point they pushed one of the new logs too hard and it fell down into the river below so that had to go chop down a new one.

Anyway, Carolyn and Karen and I ended up eating before she came. And then I went up to the party with Carolyn. It was fun. We had a white elephant exchange. Amy came in before the gift exchange. And it was all a lot of fun. Parents and kids left around 9, but I stuck around with Carolyn, Renee, Becki, Amy, and Karen (once she got there--she'd gone to visit someone after dinner) and we played mexican train dominoes. It was fun, we made it all the way to double blank dominoes...and I won. Yay.

We got back about 1am.

So, now it's 2009. Happy New Years everybody; I've gotta get some sleep!

Bonne Annee!



Steve and Pam Fox said...

Happy New Year Jessi! You look beautiful in your new dress. It's soo good to see you!

Thanks for the details of your day. It's great to hear how it's going. We got to skype with Kristi tonight as the New Year 'rolled in', lots of fireworks in the background.

We're praying for you.


Mom and Dad

Anna said...

I love your purple dress!
Also, that teakettle picture is very artsy. You're so creative.