Monday, March 23, 2009

Just so you all know...

I'm still alive.

I'm even doing better, which is great. The nasty rash is less noticeable and I'm not feeling as bad as I was.

Now if I could just lose this irritating runny nose and if I didn't have a bug bite that felt like a lion gnawing through my ankle....

But I'm re-entering society again today.* This should be good since if I have to sit around on my own anymore I think I am liable to become clinically insane.

Thanks for your prayers everybody...they are probably the reason you don't have a raving lunatic for a friend/relative right now! (I would really appreciate prayer about the bugbite though, I know it sounds dumb, but it hurts extraordinarily badly, and I can't really gnaw off my leg like a fox** in a trap even though I want too.)


* This may even be interesting since this means a trip to Lebamba while the President is supposedly visiting, but his wife just died so he may not be coming, we shall see. If anything exciting and post-worthy happens, I'll let you know, no worries. Even if nothing exciting does happen though, I'll be able to get salt, which I am excited about.

**I don't know if foxes actually do this, I've read that muskrats do, but I don't really feel like comparing myself to a muskrat... *EDIT* It turns out that during one 4 year study of animal leg traps 26% of foxes did chew off their legs, so I don't have to be a muskrat. Hurray.


Emily J said...

But you ARE a fox!!

I'm so glad you're better. That was scary.

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Ha! I feel sorry for those poor, leg-deprived foxes...I'm glad you won't really gnaw off your leg.

heather said...

I'm glad you're feeling mejor. I love you and we're almost there!

Steve and Pam Fox said...

We're praying for your bites to heal and your strength to return.