Saturday, February 28, 2009

Snake Update

So thanks to a book that the Solvig's brought down to prayer retreat about West African snakes Lisa and I were able to finally ID our snake!

He's an African tree cobra. They're pretty rare and hard to find a photo of, but we found some info and a photo here. It makes more sense, because they yellow belly didn't fit with a mamba and neither did the fact that he was black (Black mambas are dark grey, the black is from their mouth). African tree cobras have a false hood, so they don't look like your traditional cobra, but ours had a little bit of one, which made him stand out, so did his big eyes and yellow stomach, and now we've pinned it down. We're also pretty sure he came in via a tree that was up against our house, he climbed that and then crawled in through the ceiling. The tree is gone now, hopefully so are poisonous snakes, as great of a story as that is, the potential of dying in your livingroom from an angry little snake isn't really something I want to encourage.

Just thought I'd share that,



Luis Portugal said...

It has a nice blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from my country, Portugal

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Ooo...the eyes. *Shudder*

Steve and Pam Fox said...

Looked at the picture on the link. Big eyes. The belly looks 'right', quite yellow. We're glad the tree is down and trust antivenom will never be required.

We just got back from seeing Kristi. The visit reminded us of you in so many ways and so many times that I think we miss you even more. We are praying for you and look forward to talking to you this week, if possible.