Saturday, March 7, 2009

"When I look at your face I feel sick"

That's what my roommate told me over lunch. I think it was one of the funnniest things I've heard in a long time. Here's the story:

I was filling up water bottles with our filtered water. This is important, because without water you die, and if you drink the river water out of our faucets you can get sick.

Here is a picture of our water filter in all it's purifying glory:
You take off the lid, dump in the dirty water. It drips down through these clay sticks into the lower tank. Then you put a bottle under the spigot and fill it up. And Voila, clean water for drinking! (although, if the water that day is particularly brown from the sink, then it can still be a bit yellowish even after filtering).

So there I was filling up bottles, the top tank was low too so I filled it up too. When I was checking to see if I should add any more water to the tank, I saw them.

Little brown spheres. They were floating all around the edge of the water. They nearly blended in with the slightly rusty blue metal.

You have to understand how nasty this is. I had just poured myself a big glass of this insect egg water and downed most of it.

I can handle bugs in my drinks. I'll even just drink around them...but insect eggs? Really? So we took off the top of the tank to dump it and inside the filtered water resevoir, and inside that was a little ant flotilla.

I don't understand these flotillas--how they get there, why ants do that, or why it has to be in the drinking water. But it looks like a little floating island made of dead ants with live ants on top of them. Floating in the water from which I just drank. Blech...

So we dumped out the lower tank too along with most of our drinking water in the bottles. And if I get violently sick, now you will know why.

Anyway, what does that have to do with my face making Lisa sick? We reserved one bottle of water and designated it safe, because we needed something to drink (it's really not optional right now since it's been in the 90s and ridiculously humid). So she mixed in a little packet of green tea to our bottle of water. And I took a sip, and couldn't help wondering if that was a hint of dead ant flavor or a tinge of inset egg that I was detecting. I didn't say anything, but Lisa knew exactly what I was thinking, so she looked at me and said: "Stop that. Don't think about it. When I look at your face I feel sick." There was half a second of silence and then we laughed hysterically while she tried to make that sound better. I told her I was putting it on my facebook anyway, and then I thought better of it and decided to make a whole blog post of the incident!

So there you have it.



Thalasas Nymphe said...

Eww, dead ants!

Tiffany said...

So funny, but so gross! I have so much admiration for your ability to handle stuff like that :)

Steve said...

Humerous and heart warming all in one blog. How do you do it!?!

Emily J said...


In response to your comment, apparently someone found Angy's blog and was upset by some of the things she had vented in frustration. Also the other day I received a rather rude, anonymous comment on my blog that made me realize I don't actually want the whole world to read what I have to say. I also read an article about how many prospective employers are reading peoples blogs to get a feeling for them before they hire them, and even though I haven't said anything I'm really ashamed of or that I would consider jeopardizing, I don't want to run that risk if I should (God forbid) have to get another job.

So it's a combination of factors, really.

Steve and Pam Fox said...

You crack me up. Sounds like the adventure never ends in Gabon.

Emily J said...

Oh, I completely realize that Christianity is about God and not about me. I'm talking about the small group, not my faith as a whole. Last time we had a where-is-this-group-headed meeting, we divvied up "jobs" for everyone, and one person was the "social chair" who was supposed to organize outside social events that pretty much never happened. It is really hard to coordinate several schedules, but I've even tried just getting us together to go to church as a group, and no one comes.

I'm also not making a sweeping generality that I won't study *anything* in the Bible because I don't feel like it--I just mean a specific topic. I'm already studying the Bible on my own, in a way that allows me to focus and learn. If the rest of the group chooses a topic that I have no interest in, how am I supposed to study it "sincerely," as you said?

Oh, and the Whitley Bible study with you and Tiffany is actually the only Bible study that I've ever really enjoyed. But there was more interaction and discussion, and because it was called "Bible study," and not "small group" we all expected to study the Bible, and we didn't have to have a ton of debate over what do we want from this group, where is this group going. I know we talked about it a little, but we all had the same general idea of what we were there for. If that makes ANY sense at all...:-\