Thursday, April 23, 2009

Three Photos and More Words

Here's  a few photos from this week all of which I really love.

First up is a fantastic sunset on Sunday. I was walking back with Joanna and the kids from up by the school after watching Luke and Sarah and Christine (one of the PAACS resident's and my French teacher's (Rachelle) little girl) during the PAACS Bible Study. The sunset was phenomenal and I happened to have my camera! 

Here's the same sunset but from a different angle and different direction down by Keir and Joanna's house. 

Then here's a great photo from up at the school with the kids this week. It's been incredibily hot latley thus I am sweating buckets, but it's a cute photo still. One of my favorites. The kids love to take pictures with my camera so sometimes I just let them run around take turns photographing stuff. Most of the time they are not so great, but sometimes when I go to delete most of them I'm surprised by a great one. Although this was actually thanks to the timer. But if Sarah hadn't been playing with the camera we wouldn't have set it up...

In other news, pretty much everything is fabulous. I miss everything here and I haven't even left yet. I'll be in the US in just 29 days and I can't even believe it. I want to hide and stay. I also want time to go faster. Depends on the moment.

Today I went on the grand tour of Lebamba (we have visitors) again. It was still fun. I was preposed to (if you can call it that). And I got apple soda. It was an exciting trip.

Tonight Lisa and I went over to the Kelly's (their house is attached to ours) and we made a Gabonese style meal together. We had Capitain fish (not prepared like they would, but it was fried and there were two girls over, Alogia and Grace, who instructed us in the ways of scaling, gutting and cleaning fish. It would be easier if the knives were sharp, that's all I have to say. But I also might be down to 8-9 fingers if they were. So I won't complain to bitterly. Then we had sweet potatoe fries (which are simply amazing), fried plaintain, and aubergine (little funky, bitter eggplant) from our plantation trip. It was a tasty meal. Alogia and her brother stayed for dinner with us which was fun.

I'm going to school tomorrow with Liz and she told me to make sure I didn't forget my camera, so hopefully I'll have good stories and pictures for you all tomorrow.

I need to force myself to finish my super sour tea and go to bed so I'm ready for tomorrow! I think I'm getting sick, I have a bad sore throat and a little cough. So Lisa told me to put a lemon in tea for the vitamin C. Maybe a whole lemon was overkill. 

à bientôt,


Lulu and Tutz said...

Jessica...I've been following your progress on your blog....not sure how i found you originally, but I've had fun reading about your adventures and work in Gabon. I can't tell you how sorry I am you will be gone by the time we arrive in June to stay with the Brokhops! Trusting your last days are filled with good memory-making days!

Gatto999 said...

Great !...

Ciao from Italy