Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A little bit closer

I've gotten a lot of the paperwork done for the application of the school.

Yesterday I got my Iowa drivers licence (It's official folks...I'm definitely a resident of Iowa. Until I pack up and resume my vagabond-like existence, that is) and a driving record for the school application.

Now I just need fingerprints so I can send that off to the FBI and BCI, police clearance, a physical, and then a notarized document confirming that I haven't had any convictions and that's it!

I've got my psychological/socialogical assessment tonight on the phone. I'm pretty confident that I'm not insane or too bizarre, so I'm not particularly worried. Maybe I should be? Who knows.

Yesterday Morning Kristi and I had been recruited to babysit for outreach meeting that a lady in our church was putting on for young moms in the area. KRisti and I showed up. The ladies running it showed up. Even the ladies speaking and demonstrating ventriloquism (yep, you read that right) showed up. Unfortuneately, no young moms showed up. So Kristi and I got to eat the breakfast they had prepared and we got to listen to the Ventriloquist (which wasn't particularly fantastic, but I was inspired, so I got books on it at the library. I used to do puppets in highschool so why not step it up a bit and come out from behind the curtain WITH the puppet? Anyway, who doesn't want a nanny ventriloquist?) and to the speaker.

Then there was some luncheon planned by the same people. I'm a little fuzzy on what that was all about. I just know that Kristi and I were supposed to be at Trinity something church across from the highschool and on 10th Ave S in the Nursery to watch two sets of twins. We were excccited to actually watch kids this time. We found our way to a church that fit the bill and then waited. And waited. And waited. At 12, an hour after the luncheon started, we came home. There wasn't anything exciting to play with in the Nursery anyway.

After we got home there was a tornado warning which was pretty exciting. Actually it wasn't at all. Kristi was worried and Mom made us go in the basement (she stayed up stairs looking out the window, so eventually Kristi and I just joined her instead.) Pico couldn't figure out what was going on, so I played with him. I did make sure that I had my application down there with me. I mean, if I'm going to live through a tornado that destroys our house I am not going to have to re-do all that paperwork too! Yikes. But nothing came of it. Our house wasn't damaged. No trees fell down. On the whole it was quite dissapointing after all the terribly magnificent storms in Bongolo. I'm glad I suppose because it's a very residential area and if we had gotten to see a tornado it would've been very bad for someone, and while I have always thought it would be a rather exciting adventure to have your house demolished above your head and then fight your way to safety on foot through an wind-ransacked town I do realise that most people don't really want anything of the sort to happen. (And I don't want anyone to die, so I guess my idealized tornado strike is really far-fetched and would be much worse than I imagine, but all the same, it sounds exciting) But for everyone else, I am quite happy. I don't understand all the fuss about tornados that never materialize though.

After that we did go out and get the aforementioned license and driving record and we went to the library and got the also aforementioned ventriloquism books (and a few on church history. Yup, I'm a nerd. But I can't help it, if I have the opportunity to learn I may as well take it!)

In other news, I went to the eye docs on Monday and got screened and set up for Lasik. Yay. So now I won't have to wear glasses. Haha. I know don't really wear them now anyway, but now I won't need them, and that will be fabulous. They're only going to do my right eye because my left eye is really on the edge, if they had done lasik on my left eye and the end result was what my current prescription is then dad said they would be encouraging me to leave it as that. But if I get my right eye done and can't stand my left eye because it's worse now, then they'll do that too. Dad isn't doing it though, it's Dr. Bliegard. So Monday morning I'll be sitting before the firing squad and getting my eye lasared. It's pretty exciting! This was all started off by the realisation that was get a significant discount on it since Dad works there. Hurray for perks of the trade.

Alright well I'm off to achieve whatever I can before bedtime tonight. I love new days!


Anna said...

So can you demonstrate some ventriloquism for us? maybe post a video? I think you should begin by imitating Sean Connery.

Anna said...

P.S. what do you miss most and least about Gabon?