Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bonjour! (Yeah, I’m showing off my French skills)


So I could tell you about church today, and how passionate everyone was. But I didn’t really understand what was going on, because it was all in French. I caught phrases here and there, and I knew pretty well what was going on during communion, otherwise, I was just kinda observing and praying on my own, since I wanted to be a little less passive then just watching.


Anyway, I’m not going to do that, I’m going to tell you about other stuff. Like how cool God is. I really just keep coming back to this night after night. Last night I had a hard time sleeping because I’ve got a cold. So everytime I would lay down I felt like my head might explode, and whenever I would dose off I would wake up because I had to blow my nose or suffocate. But it was really a fantastic night.


I had all sorts of stuff on my mind that I was trying to sort through. I kept asking God to show me what to do, and to help me know what he wants me to do. And I got a funny answer: “You don’t need to know yet. Just love me. Revel in me.”


Somehow, I think that a few months ago that answer would have really frustrated me, but as it was I was thrilled. He knows my troubles and he knows my questions and the answers and in due time He’ll show me them. For now though I don’t even have to worry about it; I can just trust him. I can just love and delight in him and his love for me and my love for him.


It reminded me of my last leg of the journey here. I was praying and asking God what He wanted me to do in Gabon. I knew that he wanted me here, but not what he wanted me to do. His response was really simple again: “love them.” I’m sure it will take different forms through all kinds of different opportunities, but I keep l realizing how God is so much more concerned with my attitude and motives than with anything else. He has the details planned out, but I don’t need to know them, I just need to know that my job is love God and love others. It sounds strangely familiar doesn’t it?



1 comment:

Marcella said...

That is so cool Jessica! It is so freeing to realize that, yet for me it is so very hard to remember. :-)